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Ikkenkai, Haga-Dojo continues the teachings of Haga Junichi, the top disciple of the famous Japanese swordsman Nakayama Hakudo. Omori-Ryu Iai, Hasegawa Eishin-Ryu Iai and a rare form of old-style Kendo are being preserved and still practiced at Haga-Dojo.

There are 2 official Haga-Dojo websites in Japanese:
- haga-dojo.operacity.com
- www.hagaha-kendou.com

Thanks our partners for supporting website.
On 31st Oct 2010, Jack Chen visited Haga-Dojo and obtained the privilege from Fujimori-Sensei and blessings from President Uki to create this English-version website, as part of Gekiken.org's efforts and wishes to promote these arts to non-Japanese speakers outside of Japan.